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Antique & Historic Civilian Items (#2, 6/6/2022) Artillery: Confederate Wood and Metal Fuses (#21, 5/6/2024) Artillery: Fragmented Dug Metal Fuzes (#31, 10/8/2024) Artillery: Gimlets, Lanyards,Tools, Vent Picks (#53, 11/9/2024) Artillery: Intact Paper Fuze Packs (#17, 10/10/2023) Artillery: Intact Union Metal Fuses (#23, 4/29/2024) Artillery: Single Paper Fuzes (#5, 4/7/2024) Artillery: Underplugs & Friction Primers (#10, 3/10/2021) Bannermans: Vintage War Surplus Items (#2, 11/17/2022) Battle Relics: Antietam MD : All Categories (#13, 12/5/2023) Battle Relics: Antietam MD: Bullets (#8, 2/8/2025) Battle Relics: Appommatox VA : All Categories (#2, 10/9/2022) Battle Relics: Bentonville NC: All Categories (#6, 10/8/2022) Battle Relics: Bermuda Hundred VA : All Categories (#2, 8/20/2021) Battle Relics: Brandy Station VA: All Categories (#9, 9/23/2022) Battle Relics: Cedar Creek VA : All Categories (#3, 3/6/2024) Battle Relics: Chancellorsville VA : All Categories (#4, 1/3/2025) Battle Relics: Cold Harbor VA : All Categories (#25, 2/8/2025) Battle Relics: Cold Harbor VA : Bullets (#16, 5/28/2023) Battle Relics: Corinth MS : All Categories (#3, 7/12/2021) Battle Relics: Culpepper VA : All Categories (#22, 10/8/2022) Battle Relics: Fredericksburg VA : All Categories (#27, 10/14/2024) Battle Relics: Georgia Sites: All Categories (#5, 2/23/2021) Battle Relics: Gettysburg PA : Bullets (#121, 1/27/2025) Battle Relics: Gettysburg PA : Other Dug Relics (#27, 1/17/2025) Battle Relics: Harpers Ferry WV : All Categories (#3, 5/1/2022) Battle Relics: Kennesaw GA: All Categories (#6, 2/14/2021) Battle Relics: Malvern Hill VA : All Categories (#1, 11/24/2022) Battle Relics: Manassas Bull Run VA : All Categories (#11, 2/18/2023) Battle Relics: Murfressboro TN : All Categories (#3, 4/7/2022) Battle Relics: New Bern NC: All Categories (#1, 10/28/2024) Battle Relics: North Anna VA : All Categories (#4, 2/10/2021) Battle Relics: Petersburg VA : Bullets (#32, 7/4/2024) Battle Relics: Petersburg VA : Other Categories (#28, 10/4/2024) Battle Relics: Port Hudson LA : All Categories (#5, 1/26/2025) Battle Relics: Resaca GA : All Categories (#3, 3/6/2024) Battle Relics: Richmond VA : All Categories (#22, 10/18/2024) Battle Relics: Shenandoah Valley WV : All Categories (#7, 10/8/2022) Battle Relics: Shiloh TN : All Categories (#26, 12/4/2024) Battle Relics: Spotsylvania VA : All Categories (#11, 10/16/2024) Battle Relics: Stones River TN : All Categories (#3, 8/13/2024) Battle Relics: Trevilian Station VA : All Categories (#6, 3/29/2023) Battle Relics: Vicksburg MS : All Categories (#8, 8/6/2024) Battle Relics: Wilderness VA : All Categories (#4, 8/10/2022) Battle Relics: Williamsburg VA (#2, 10/8/2022) Battle Relics: Winchester VA : All Categories (#5, 10/4/2024) Bayonets: Dug Bayonets & Fragments (#8, 1/26/2025) Bayonets: Foreign CW Usage (#7, 1/26/2025) Bayonets: Post Civil War Bayonets (#6, 1/13/2023) Bayonets: Pre-Civil War Socket Types (#4, 10/31/2024) Bayonets: US Civil War Standard Socket (#17, 10/31/2024) Belt Parts: Grommets, Sliders, Hooks (#5, 11/23/2022) Books: Military & Tactical CW Period (#8, 11/21/2024) Books: Old Civilian Books (#20, 12/1/2022) Books: Post-War Reference Books & Histories (#3, 2/1/2021) Bottles: Crockery (#7, 9/2/2024) Bottles: Ginger Beer crockery (#11, 10/18/2024) Bottles: Glass Refreshments & Foods (#9, 10/4/2024) Bottles: Medicines and Salves (#13, 6/23/2024) Bottles: Post Civil War Manufactured (#5, 1/27/2024) Boxes: For Diisplay of your Relics (#2, 9/25/2023) Buckles: Harness & Civilian Buckles (#7, 10/9/2022) Bullets: Cartridges, Skinned, Paper Wrapped (#2, 2/19/2023) Bullets: Carved by Soldiers (#62, 1/3/2025) Bullets: Dug Carbine Bullets (#27, 2/2/2024) Bullets: Embedded in Battlefield wood (#40, 10/27/2024) Bullets: Foreign Made: Enfield, French, Whitworth (#13, 9/21/2024) Bullets: From Other Known Civil War Sites (#30, 2/20/2023) Bullets: Impacted Warped Slugs (#13, 2/20/2023) Bullets: Interesting Variants (#36, 1/3/2025) Bullets: Minies & Williams & Gardners (#25, 2/21/2023) Bullets: Musket Balls and Buck (#14, 2/21/2023) Bullets: Old Timer's Bullet Collection (#51, 5/1/2023) Bullets: Pistol and Revolver (#15, 2/21/2023) Bullets: Post Civil War (#2, 2/21/2023) Bullets: Shalers, Explosives, Savage (#9, 7/5/2023) Bullets: Swage, Star Base, Base Marked (#6, 2/21/2023) Buttons: Civilian Brass and Gutta Percha (#17, 2/21/2023) Buttons: Colonial & Coin Buttons (#26, 10/8/2022) Buttons: Confederate (non-dug) (#2, 10/26/2024) Buttons: Confederate Service (dug) (#6, 1/25/2025) Buttons: Confederate Specific States (dug) (#17, 10/18/2024) Buttons: Federal Services (dug) (#33, 10/6/2024) Buttons: Federal Services (non-dug) (#68, 5/8/2024) Buttons: Northern State Buttons (dug) (#11, 2/2/2021) Buttons: Northern State Buttons (non-dug) (#11, 2/6/2022) Buttons: Post Civil War (#7, 10/9/2022) Buttons: Pre Civil War US & Militia (#14, 1/22/2022) Buttons: Zouave ball buttons (#15, 10/25/2021) Camp Items: Clothing & Accessories (#8, 11/3/2024) Camp Items: Comforts of Home (#22, 7/16/2023) Camp Items: Food & Grog (#2, 12/12/2020) Camp Items: Personal Hygiene (#13, 12/25/2023) Camp Items: Personal Possessions (#14, 5/16/2024) Camp Items: Watches (#4, 2/18/2024) Canteens: Dug from Civil War Sites (#4, 10/8/2022) Canteens: Non Dug Civil War (#6, 2/5/2025) Cap Boxes: Musket Cap Boxes (#15, 1/27/2025) Cartridge & Cap Box: Finials and Tins (#3, 2/1/2023) Cartridge Boxes: Catridge Boxes US & Foreign (#16, 2/8/2025) Cavalry: Horse bits, tack, rosettes, caltrops (#93, 2/5/2025) Cavalry: Spurs, Belts, Accessories (#37, 2/5/2025) Civilian: Clothing (#4, 1/23/2021) Civilian: Daily Life Items (#7, 1/31/2022) Civilian: Prints & Periodicals (#29, 7/31/2015) Clearance (#6, 10/8/2022) Coins: Barber Liberty Head:1892 - 1916 (#23, 3/18/2021) Coins: Civil War 1861-1865 (#4, 5/16/2024) Coins: Commemorative Issues (#1, 7/22/2019) Coins: Foreign Coins: All Dates (#5, 11/29/2022) Coins: Old Spanish Silver (#7, 10/7/2023) Coins: US 1865 to 1945 (#7, 5/16/2024) Coins: US: Before 1861 (#9, 7/19/2024) Coins: US: From 1945 to Present (#9, 3/17/2021) Communications: Signals, Maps, Compass, Telegraph (#10, 10/16/2024) Corps Badges: Post Civil War (#9, 8/14/2024) Currency: Bonds, Debts and IOUs (#3, 1/12/2018) Currency: CW Confederate Paper Money (#19, 1/4/2025) Currency: CW State Issued Money (#19, 1/4/2025) Currency: Old Bank Checks (#49, 5/30/2017) Dirks Daggers Pikes (#4, 8/12/2023) Documents: Bounties, Family Aid, Local Relief Forms (#15, 5/28/2020) Documents: Commissions of Officers (#4, 4/29/2023) Documents: Confederate: Documents, etc (#2, 5/28/2020) Documents: Discharges (#4, 8/27/2024) Documents: General Orders (#9, 5/28/2020) Documents: Military Pay Vouchers, Receipts, Checks (#12, 5/12/2022) Documents: Muster Rolls (#3, 5/28/2020) Documents: Non Military Goods & Supplies (#3, 7/19/2021) Documents: Pre-Civil War Paper Items (#1, 5/28/2020) Documents: Requisition Forms (#13, 3/10/2022) Documents: Shipping Forms and Passes (#1, 5/28/2020) Documents: Troops Clothing, Goods & Supply Forms (#7, 5/28/2020) Documents: Union Miscellaneous (#4, 7/23/2021) Documents: Union: Special Orders and Reassignments (#5, 5/28/2020) Dug Civilian Relics: Items from Trashpits & Dig Sites (#5, 10/8/2022) Engravings & Prints: Individual Soldiers (#15, 11/21/2023) Engravings & Prints: Scenes & Battles (#5, 10/19/2023) Firearms: Bullet Molds and Shot bags (#15, 2/2/2021) Firearms: Dug Revolvers, Pistols, Muskets (#3, 5/25/2023) Firearms: Dug Weapon Parts (#30, 2/3/2024) Firearms: Non Dug Weapons and Parts (#16, 10/17/2024) Firearms: Ramrods (#1, 2/28/2015) Firearms: Shooters Glasses (#1, 2/8/2015) Firearms: Worms, Caps, Vises, Brushes (#22, 7/23/2023) Firearms: Wrenches, Tompions, Nipples (#21, 10/17/2024) Fossils: Invertebrates and Shells (#4, 12/13/2024) Fossils: Vertebrates (#4, 9/8/2022) Games: Checkers (#3, 10/8/2022) Games: Chess (#3, 10/8/2022) Games: Dice (#2, 4/12/2023) Games: Dominoes (#15, 1/11/2025) Games: Poker (#8, 12/1/2022) Groupings: Groups of CW Items & Collections (#17, 7/16/2024) Identified Groupings: Sets of items for Specific Soldiers (#3, 3/10/2023) Insignia: Kepi Horns, Sabers & Cannon (non-dug) (#20, 1/27/2025) Insignia: Company & Regiments insignia (non dug) (#111, 10/7/2024) Insignia: Embroidered Custom Made (#21, 2/5/2025) Insignia: Hat & Uniform (dug) (#14, 1/27/2025) Insignia: Wall Displays & Mountings (#2, 6/26/2011) Jewelry: Pins, Brooches, Clips, etc (#4, 2/25/2021) Jewelry: Rings from Camps and Battlefields (#62, 9/21/2024) Knives: Bowies, Boot Knives, Pocket Knives (#23, 6/6/2024) Leather: Belts, Boots & Straps (#7, 8/10/2023) Letters: Addressed Empty Envelopes (#19, 10/8/2022) Letters: Between CW Civilians (#8, 3/10/2023) Letters: To & From Soldiers and Families (#6, 8/15/2023) Lighting Items: Lanterns & Candlesticks (#19, 5/29/2023) Lithographs by Currier & Ives: Civil War Scenes (#8, 2/11/2021) Lithographs: Chromolithographs of Battles & War (#19, 12/28/2022) Medical: Accessories (#11, 12/3/2022) Medical: Fleams & Tourniquets (#23, 1/12/2025) Medical: Knives & Scalpels (#9, 7/3/2024) Medical: Saws & Serrated Instruments (#17, 8/20/2024) Medical: Syringes & Medicine Molds (#6, 1/16/2023) Medical: Various Other Instruments (#5, 2/10/2021) Mess Tent: Cooking & Associated Tinwares (#13, 5/16/2024) Mess Tent: Cups, Saucers, Plates (#9, 11/22/2021) Mess Tent: Utensils for eating (#65, 10/28/2024) Miniature Soldiers & Military Models (#1, 5/30/2022) Miscellaneous (#28, 10/8/2022) Modern Mall Finds (#7, 2/1/2021) Musical (#26, 1/11/2025) Naval Items: Fuzes and Other Naval Items (#7, 9/30/2023) Newspapers: After Civil War (#18, 5/12/2022) Newspapers: Civil War Period Original Papers (#192, 10/28/2024) Newspapers: Prior to Civil War (#2, 1/31/2021) Other Civil War Items (#1, 3/10/2016) Other Wars: Foreign Countries: All Military (#2, 10/8/2022) Other Wars: Indian Wars (#9, 10/7/2024) Other Wars: Revolutionary War (#4, 2/9/2021) Other Wars: Spanish-American War (#21, 12/1/2022) Other Wars: World War I (#19, 10/27/2024) Other Wars: World War II (#28, 10/19/2024) Painted Miniatures: Modern Hand-Painted Soldiers (#7, 2/11/2021) Papers: Old Deeds, Receipts, Civilian Papers (#13, 2/25/2021) Patriotic Envelopes: Comic & Satirical (#24, 10/21/2024) Patriotic Envelopes: Patriotic Themes (#110, 1/27/2025) Patriotic Used Envelopes/Trade Cards (#4, 2/5/2025) Photographic: All Pre-Civil War Daguereotypes (#3, 9/25/2023) Photographic: Civil War Related Later Images (#17, 8/1/2022) Photographic: Civilian Ambrotypes of Individuals (#71, 1/23/2025) Photographic: Civilian Ambrotypes of Pairs or Groups (#16, 7/29/2024) Photographic: Civilian Civil War Engraving CDVs (#16, 2/22/2021) Photographic: Civilian Civil War Period CDV's (#55, 11/26/2023) Photographic: Civilian Civil War Period Tintypes (#41, 12/23/2023) Photographic: CW Ambrotypes: Non Coms, Officers (#9, 1/9/2025) Photographic: CW Ambrotypes: Privates (#67, 1/25/2025) Photographic: CW CDV's Non-Officers: Identified (#31, 2/3/2025) Photographic: CW CDVs of Officers: Identified (#27, 2/3/2025) Photographic: CW CDVs Unknown Officers (#124, 12/14/2024) Photographic: CW CDVs Unknown Privates & NonComs (#238, 1/15/2025) Photographic: CW Larger Albumins of Soldiers (#3, 10/2/2024) Photographic: CW Soldiers in Larger Fancy Frames (#4, 9/30/2022) Photographic: CW Soldiers with Wives or Family (#21, 9/26/2023) Photographic: CW Tintypes of Corporals & Sergeants (#11, 10/7/2024) Photographic: CW Tintypes of Officers (#8, 3/23/2024) Photographic: CW Tintypes of Privates (#136, 2/2/2025) Photographic: Old Photo Albums, Holders, Frames (#4, 2/23/2022) Photographic: Post Civil War Civilian Images (#31, 7/29/2024) Photographic: Postwar Lantern Slides & Stereocards (#29, 11/25/2021) Plates: Confederate CSA Plates (#5, 10/13/2023) Plates: Fragments and Keepers (#9, 9/12/2024) Plates: SNY & other Union States (#3, 9/15/2023) Plates: Union "US" Enlistedman Belt Plates (#46, 1/17/2025) Plates: Union Cartridge Box Plates (#10, 5/19/2024) Plates: Union Eagle Breastplates (#4, 1/27/2025) Plates: Union Sword Belt NCO & Officers (#23, 11/1/2023) Political Items of Civil War (#4, 5/25/2024) Post Civil War Non-Military Items: 1866-1900 (#8, 3/18/2021) Postcards: Battle Site Tourist cards (#63, 4/16/2024) Postcards: Civilian PostCards Cards All Years (#11, 10/22/2019) Postcards: Lincoln and Famous People (#28, 4/2/2021) Powder Flasks (#34, 1/26/2025) Powder Horns (#7, 8/11/2023) Prints of US Uniforms: H.A. Ogden 1885 (#39, 3/16/2021) Prints: Modern prints, etchings and Artwork (#1, 1/6/2015) Prints: Vintage engravings, prints and Artworks (#1, 1/9/2020) Projectiles: Case shot, cannister & sabots (#16, 6/16/2024) Projectiles: Confederate (#11, 1/15/2025) Projectiles: Shell Fragments and Sabots (#42, 1/15/2025) Projectiles: Union Shells (#10, 1/13/2025) Projectiles: Union Solid Cannonballs & Grape (#25, 1/28/2025) Relic Displays (#31, 2/22/2022) Religious Beliefs and Holy Relics (#40, 1/17/2025) Restoration Projects: Preserving Relics (#2, 1/24/2018) Restoration Projects: Repairing Relics (#2, 1/24/2018) Shoulder: CW Officer Rank Boards & Shoulder Straps (#15, 2/5/2025) Shoulder: Rank Boards from other Time Periods (#5, 2/16/2023) Shoulder: Shoulder Scales & Epaulettes (#8, 6/30/2022) Smoking: Matches, Match Holders, Snuff Boxes (#16, 1/12/2025) Smoking: Pipes with Designed Bowls (#43, 10/9/2022) Smoking: Pipes, Figural and Military (#4, 2/10/2021) Smoking: Pipes, Plain common bowls (#17, 10/8/2022) Smoking: Post War Items (#1, 3/17/2022) Stamps US.: After CW thru Modern (#43, 1/29/2021) Stamps: Confederate (#4, 1/8/2024) Stamps: Union & Revenue Civil War (#7, 11/29/2019) Sword & Sabers: Civil War Artillery & Naval Models (#1, 8/15/2024) Swords & Sabers: Civil War Cavalry Sabers (#17, 1/15/2025) Swords & Sabers: Civil War NCO & Musician Swords (#11, 11/29/2024) Swords & Sabers: Dug Fragments and Parts (#33, 5/15/2024) Swords & Sabers: Other Periods Than Civil War (#5, 10/24/2024) Swords & Sabers: Relic type Field-Pickup Swords (#1, 1/1/2024) Swords & Sabers: Scabbards and Sword Belt Hooks (#8, 2/19/2024) Telescopes: Spyglasses & Telescopes (#14, 5/1/2023) Tokens: Civil War Patriotic Coin-tokens (#31, 5/16/2024) Tokens: Post Civil War types (#4, 6/7/2022) Tokens: Pre Civil War (#3, 1/31/2021) Tools: Building Supplies & Engineering (#13, 3/18/2021) Tourist Items from after Civil War (#23, 8/25/2023) UKRANIAN WAR refugee relief (#7, 3/29/2022) Uniforms: Coats, Vests, Frocks, Trousers (#12, 2/23/2021) Uniforms: Kepis and Hats (#13, 7/4/2022) Uniforms: Knapsacks, Haversacks, hooks (#8, 3/17/2024) Uniforms: Straps, Boots, Shoes (#7, 3/16/2021) Veterans/ GAR: Star Membership Medals (#10, 1/12/2025) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Belt Plates (#10, 8/25/2023) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Books, Booklets, Histories (#3, 1/31/2021) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Buttons (#11, 11/23/2022) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Calling Cards & Solicitations (#4, 3/15/2020) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Event Programs & Event Tickets (#6, 8/11/2024) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: GAR Manuals & Reports (#1, 2/2/2015) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Medals Post War (#43, 4/18/2024) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Miscellaneous (#4, 6/25/2024) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Photos/Prints (#1, 1/24/2021) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Post War Letters & Reflections (#1, 10/17/2011) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Postcards (#39, 7/16/2024) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Ribbons & Pins (#47, 1/31/2024) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Testimonial Certificates (#2, 3/14/2020) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Uniforms, Flags, Misc. (#20, 5/29/2022) Veterans/ GAR-UCV: Wall Plaques/Decor/Desk Items (#2, 2/11/2021) Veterans/ Pension Forms (#1, 10/20/2015) Veterans/ Relatives' Groups: WRC, SUV, SCV, DCV. (#24, 5/3/2022) Victorian Era: Postcards, Trade Cards, Goodies (#4, 9/4/2016) Writing: Crockery Ink and Refill bottles (#9, 9/3/2024) Writing: Glass and brass Ink Bottles (#21, 6/23/2024) Writing: Writing Instruments & Accessories (#11, 1/27/2025)
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Clearance Items